Yoga & Mindfulness
Mindfulness & yoga techniques are used by the world’s most successful athletes, business owners and musicians who are under pressure to perform. Our Mindfulness programme encourages children to take increasing responsibility for keeping their mind and body safe and healthy. It helps them to feel positive about themselves and be sensitive towards the feelings of others. It can help them understand and accept the range of their own, and others feelings and emotions. The programme provides opportunities to experience and respond to quiet and still times, closing their eyes and listening or feeling. It can be used to help them develop self-awareness, self-knowledge and confidence, relating to others and working with them.
The objectives of our Mindfulness programme:
- For children to improve attention and focus skills – isolating focus to just one thing
- To improve self-regulation
- To learn to deal with tough emotions and avoid impulse reactions
- To increase compassion
- For children to improve life skills such as conflict-resolution skills
- To promote a Growth Mindset
The objectives of our Yoga programme:
- Improving children’s mental wellbeing, creating mental clarity and calmness
- Developing body awareness including understanding biology
- Management of stress through breathing and meditation
- Building concentration
- Detachment from electronic devices
- Balance skills
- Strengthening core muscles
- Enabling children to feel part of a non-competitive physical exercise group
Religious Education
With the changes to the whole curriculum recently, we are able to offer specialist teachers to come into school and deliver RE sessions each week as part of the class teachers’ PPA time and ensure the pupils are receiving quality RE lessons. Having a dedicated member of staff to take on the RE provision in your classes will free up teachers to teach the subjects they are best at!
The objectives of our RE programme:
- For children to get a further understanding of different religions
- To be open and understanding to others faiths
- Evidence of learning
Our programme visits a variety of religions including Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. Lessons can be tailored around individual schools’ dependant on their focus and faith perspective.
The RE specialists coming into school cover a wide variety of beliefs and religious themes, allowing the children to learn about religion and from religion, exploring a range of faith traditions both in this country and around the world. Festivals are taught during those precious times of year and children are encouraged to develop their understanding of how practices reflect the beliefs of people of different faith traditions.