
December 18


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Category:

PPA Events

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Primary PPA Cover

An intensive training morning covering all you need to help completing assessments/feedback and approaches to challenging behaviour.

About this Event

During this course, you can expect to learn or refresh your knowledge on:

 Behaviour management; preparing you on how to manage pupil behaviour confidently and with authority (tips on consistency in how you deal with challenging situations; approaches to promote positive and effective behaviour learning in school; how to apply rewards and sanctions systems to improve behaviour etc…)

 Lesson openings with LO and plenaries.

 Lesson structure/review/organisation and training on TeachTool (free 1-year subscription for your specialist subject)

 Lesson delivery and practical demonstrations.

 Technical knowledge such as using SIMS, ActivInspire and your interactive whiteboard hints and tips.

 How to prepare for the unexpected, time fillers and extension tasks.

You will also benefit from:

 Free resources such as example Subject Leader Action Plans, lesson plans, stickers, posters etc.

 An opportunity to network with other teachers and educational practitioners within your field.

 A practical session focused on purpose-based scenarios that you may come across.

Who is this course suitable for:

 PPA Teachers

 Unqualified Teachers

 Specialist Teachers

 People looking to get into teaching